Methodology @ Monday, May 2, 2011
Research topic
Research question: Is a person's oral temperature related to his/her axillary temperature?
Variable 1: Oral temperature.
Variable 2: Axillary temperature.
Extraneous Variable: Gender & Age.
The degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
- Oral temperature: temperature taken under the base tongue of the subject.
- Axilla temperature: temperature taken under the axilla/armpit of the subject.
- Digital thermometer: to take the temperature of our participants.
- Calibration: Choose digital thermometers of the same brand. Then put the thermometers in the same cup of warm water to check temperatures at the same time. And make sure the thermometers cannot touch the bottom of the cup. After 30secs, ensure the readings of the thermometers are the same.
- Thermosheaths: were also used for both oral and axilla temperature taking to maintain consistency. It is also for infection control.
- Alcohol swabs: to clean up the digital thermometer every after use to prevent transmission of microorganisms.
Testable hypothesis
Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between axillary and oral temperature.
Hypothesis: There is positive relationship between axillary and oral temperature.