Our group consist of 6 nursing students of class NR0908(Subgroup Three).
From the left, going clockwise; the group members are:
Nur Hidayah, Nur Juliyana, Eim Thu Mon, Xu Yan, Nur Hasanah and Nurliyana.
Conclusion @ Monday, January 3, 2011

We conclude that there is no significant relationship between oral and axillary temperature. All the graph that we had generated helped us to find if there is any relationship.
We found that our data collection is not reliable, due to the many extraneous factors. For example:

1. Some wore long sleeve and there might not be proper placement of thermometer.
2. Some people were wearing short sleeve and with the cold temperature of the library their temperature might be affected.
3. Some people might be using deodorant and have axillary hair.
4. The amount of people were too little to really see the relationship.

Some respondents felt uncomfortable as they felt that it was unhygienic eventhough we had taken measures for the thermometers to be clean as possible.
Comparing axillary and oral site we concluded that its more accurate to take one's temperature orally. Furthermore, it takes lesser time.

Eimthu (090217H)
Statistics is a very interesting and challenging module for me. By doing this project, I got some understandings of what SPSS is. I hope this is very well prepared for my final year project too.

Nur Hasanah (092006P)
This is the first time I’m doing a project in the form of a blog. It’s something new but at the same time it is something teenagers are familiar with. The collection of data was easy though not many people were willing to participate. This project makes me understand statistics even more. overall I find this project interesting and fun.

Nur Hidayah (094974R)
SPSS and statistics; initially were a strange topic and program for me to comprehend on why nursing students need to undertake. However, it was certainly useful in understanding relationships on the study that we undertook. The easy application of SPSS makes our research study an uplifting journey.

Nur Juliyana (091122A)
I learnt that by using SPSS program, it made our work easier to do. And better understanding on how a real research looks like. It is an interesting module to study. It helps me to analyze data and understands the data better. I know this will benefit me in my final year project. 

Nurliyana (092897Q)
I learnt to use the SPSS software and I have learnt to decipher the tables and graphs. I also learnt about doing up study knowing how it should flow thus purpose is important so we know our objectives. After much analysing then we would know our final results.

Xu Yan (090345K) 
Our project topic is about whether there is a relationship between oral temperature and axiliary temperature. During the project we learnt to how to set an experiment for two thermometers, how to measure to confirm our assuming. I feel that statistic has much relevance to nursing. 

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