Our group consist of 6 nursing students of class NR0908(Subgroup Three).
From the left, going clockwise; the group members are:
Nur Hidayah, Nur Juliyana, Eim Thu Mon, Xu Yan, Nur Hasanah and Nurliyana.
Introduction @ Monday, May 30, 2011


Vital signs include the heart beat, breathing rate, temperature, and blood pressure. These signs may be watched, measured, and monitored to check an individual's level of physical functioning.There are different routes to taking temperature, which are:
  1. oral temperature
  2. axillary temperature
  3. rectal temperature
  4. tympanic temperature

Our group is going to see the relationship between the oral and axillary temperature. We are going to further discuss about it.

Difference in Oral and Axillary.

It measures: 0.5⁰C-0.6⁰C below core temperature.
Oral site is in direct proximity to the sublingual artery. As long as client keeps the mouth closed and breathes normally, the tissue remains at fairly consistent temperature. Valid measurement depends on accurate placement (base of tongue) and maintenance of thermometer.

It measures: 0.6⁰C lower than those obtained in oral site.
It is the most accessible in most instances. It is safe. Less potential for microorganism transmission compared to oral site. Poor circulation, recent scratching and armpit hair affects the accuracy of the site.

Relevance to Nursing

It may seem to be a minor thing, but temperature-taking are important for giving appropriate treatments in nursing. Having different hospitals it also means different protocols. Some practice taking oral/axilla temperature only while some take from tympanic site and when there is abnormal reading, reconfirm it with taking at axillary site.
Furthermore, different figure is used to determine the state of pyrexia from the different site of temperature taken. Based on our experience, if the oral temperature is high, the temperature was reassessed via the axilla. So are the temperatures at the two different sites different then?

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Methodology @ Monday, May 2, 2011

Research topic
Research question: Is a person's oral temperature related to his/her axillary temperature?
Variable 1: Oral temperature.
Variable 2: Axillary temperature.
Extraneous Variable: Gender & Age.


The degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
  1. Oral temperature: temperature taken under the base tongue of the subject.
  2. Axilla temperature: temperature taken under the axilla/armpit of the subject.

  1. Digital thermometer: to take the temperature of our participants.
  2. Calibration: Choose digital thermometers of the same brand. Then put the thermometers in the same cup of warm water to check temperatures at the same time. And make sure the thermometers cannot touch the bottom of the cup. After 30secs, ensure the readings of the thermometers are the same.
  3. Thermosheaths: were also used for both oral and axilla temperature taking to maintain consistency. It is also for infection control.
  4. Alcohol swabs: to clean up the digital thermometer every after use to prevent transmission of microorganisms.

Testable hypothesis
Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between axillary and oral temperature.
Hypothesis: There is positive relationship between axillary and oral temperature.

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Data Collection @ Friday, April 1, 2011

Data Collection
1200hrs-1500hrs. Wednesday, 2nd January 2011.
NYP Library, South Wing.

Prior to begin with our data collection, we decided to identify our sampling respondents according to our criteria.

Quota sampling: 30 respondents (non-random proportional stratified sampling)
  1. Respondents will be informed on the purpose of study
  2. Informed consents will be given by the respondents by filling up the consent form
  3. With no regards of gender/age
  4. No hot/cold drink for the past 10 minutes
  5. Minimal movement by the respondents when their oral and axillary temperature were taken

We approached these respondents in order to get their voluntary responses. These respondents were advised on the research study, and the estimated duration for the entire procedure (2 to 3 minutes for oral temperature and 5 minutes for axillary temperature); ensuring their commitment to the study.

After reaching an agreement, the respondents were given a consent form to fill up and sign, indicating their agreement and consent. (Please refer to Appendix A)

Appendix A

Calibration of thermometer.
We obtained two thermometer given by the NYP school administration office during the H1N1 outbreak. 
We calibrated these two thermometers by using lukewarm water, allowing at least 1min to capture the temperature. Both temperature consistently captured a temperature of 43.0 degrees C.

We have taken some measure to ensure hygiene and any cross contamination between respondents, by using alcohol swabs and thermometer sheaths.

Ensuring that the thermometers are throughly cleaned after each usage.
Ensuring that each thermometers were covered with protective plastic sheaths before applying to the respondents.

Thermometer A is used for oral specifically and thermometer B is used for axillary temperature.

Below are some graphics taken of our respondents during our data collection.

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Analysis & Results @ Thursday, February 3, 2011

After collecting the data required, we proceed to tabulate our findings.
(Please see Appendix B)

Appendix B

In appendix C, we have identified the frequencies of the oral and axillary temperature taken.

Appendix C

In appendix D, this graph indicated the frequency for the 'difference between the oral and axillary temperature.'

Appendix D

In finding the relationship between these two scale data, we proceeded to Pearson's R to establish/understand the relationship.
(Please see Appendix E)

Appendix E

Our results:
 Since p = 0.962 which is greater than 0.05, the null hypothesis should not be rejected. There is no relationship between the oral and axilla temperature. Therefore, there is no significant relationship between oral and axilla temperatures (Pearson’s R = 0.09, p > 0.05, N = 30).

However the plot graph shows that axilla has a wider range of distribution of data (between 35.6 to 36.4) compared to oral temperature which might indicate the varied measurements of each subject.

Appendix F

Appendix F shows that the data are positively skewed and thus the  median is 0.5 degrees C.

Appendix G

The scatter plot graph shows a negative correlation coefficient.

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Conclusion @ Monday, January 3, 2011

We conclude that there is no significant relationship between oral and axillary temperature. All the graph that we had generated helped us to find if there is any relationship.
We found that our data collection is not reliable, due to the many extraneous factors. For example:

1. Some wore long sleeve and there might not be proper placement of thermometer.
2. Some people were wearing short sleeve and with the cold temperature of the library their temperature might be affected.
3. Some people might be using deodorant and have axillary hair.
4. The amount of people were too little to really see the relationship.

Some respondents felt uncomfortable as they felt that it was unhygienic eventhough we had taken measures for the thermometers to be clean as possible.
Comparing axillary and oral site we concluded that its more accurate to take one's temperature orally. Furthermore, it takes lesser time.

Eimthu (090217H)
Statistics is a very interesting and challenging module for me. By doing this project, I got some understandings of what SPSS is. I hope this is very well prepared for my final year project too.

Nur Hasanah (092006P)
This is the first time I’m doing a project in the form of a blog. It’s something new but at the same time it is something teenagers are familiar with. The collection of data was easy though not many people were willing to participate. This project makes me understand statistics even more. overall I find this project interesting and fun.

Nur Hidayah (094974R)
SPSS and statistics; initially were a strange topic and program for me to comprehend on why nursing students need to undertake. However, it was certainly useful in understanding relationships on the study that we undertook. The easy application of SPSS makes our research study an uplifting journey.

Nur Juliyana (091122A)
I learnt that by using SPSS program, it made our work easier to do. And better understanding on how a real research looks like. It is an interesting module to study. It helps me to analyze data and understands the data better. I know this will benefit me in my final year project. 

Nurliyana (092897Q)
I learnt to use the SPSS software and I have learnt to decipher the tables and graphs. I also learnt about doing up study knowing how it should flow thus purpose is important so we know our objectives. After much analysing then we would know our final results.

Xu Yan (090345K) 
Our project topic is about whether there is a relationship between oral temperature and axiliary temperature. During the project we learnt to how to set an experiment for two thermometers, how to measure to confirm our assuming. I feel that statistic has much relevance to nursing. 

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